Have you ever wanted something so bad and just could not grasp it?
My Husband and I yearned for a baby. God has commanded us to be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:28). Children are the heritage of the Lord, a blessing (Ps 127:3).
Many are already familiar with our story, for those who are not, you can catch up on our YouTube. Our story has a beautiful beginning, but the part of the story we are currently on is breathtaking.
April 12, 2020 was my due date for Panda’s arrival into this world. From my last post, Weary at 39 Weeks, you were able to gauge my mindset. If you have not read it, go ahead and check it out. Everything about this process was new to me and at no time was I able to take matters into my own hands. Throughout the whole pregnancy, God constantly reminded me of the need to rely on Him, trust in Him, and follow Him.
At 40 weeks +3 it is to my advantage that the Lord sent me the Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, and Strengthener.
I was so thankful for Him (the Holy Spirit) on this day. I submitted to Him immediately and so did my Husband. The experience that I had with Him was beyond amazing. I have not ever been in close fellowship with the Spirit the way I was on this day.
When the Spirit of Truth came, He guided my Husband and I into all truth.
Throughout my labor and delivery the Spirit spoke to me through my Husband mainly. See, I learned from this book that Panda’s God Mother gave me at the beginning of pregnancy, Supernatural Birth; Christ purchased my freedom and redeemed me from the curse and its condemnation by becoming a curse for me when He was crucified on the cross. In Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham comes to me, so that I will receive the realization of the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith. Jesus has borne my griefs, carried my sorrows and pains. He was wounded for my transgressions, crushed for my sin, injustice and wrongdoing. The punishment required for my well-being fell on Him, and by His wounds I am healed (Isaiah 53:4-5). In this, everything that was to come was disclosed to me. The book can be purchased on Amazon. I recommend this read to anyone wanting to conceive.
It was so powerful the way my Hubby glorified and honored God.
He kept me in truth. Honestly it was all pressure, the hurt came when Panda was literally coming out. It was so AMAZING! My daughter captured every moment and as much as she was allowed so that we could share our Spirit Filled Experience (click here to watch our Labor and Delivery Vlog) with you.
How do I really know the Holy Spirit was in the mix? (disclaimer: what you are about to see is very graphic and may be TMI, but it’s the truth).
When the placenta came out, the umbilical cord was in a knot. A true knot. How did this happen? How was the baby not in distress? The medical care team was in awe. So was I, because God’s works are wonderful!
Labor & Delivery Vlog: